Small actions can make a big difference.
Tweet at Cloudflare
Cloudflare sold domains to torturers, and hosts a website distributing abuse material on its IPFS gateway.
They have not taken action on reports of this.
Official Twitter: @Cloudflare
CEO's Twitter: @eastdakota
Example Tweet
@Cloudflare @eastdakota At this very moment, your services are being used to sell snuff videos by criminal gangs. Threats to kill are made daily. Why do you remain complicit in animal abuse? Are profits more important than the lives of innocent cats? #StopCatTortureChina

Tweet at Chinese ambassadors
China has no animal cruelty laws, which means abusers never face justice. Tweet at your country's Chinese Embassy and ask them to criminalize animal cruelty. Don't include anti-CCP sentiment as this will be used to discredit the anti animal cruelty movement.
- @ChinaAmbUN - Mission to United Nations
- @ChineseEmbinUS - USA
- @ChineseEmbinUK - UK
- @AmbassadeChine - France
- @EmbChinaMex - Mexico
- @ChinaEmbGermany - Germany
Example Tweet
People worldwide are saddened to learn of cat abuse organizations in China. We hope that the animals living in China will be able to live out their lives without abuse. Criminalize animal cruelty, protect people's beloved pets #StopChinaCatTorture #世界各地希望中国能够制定反虐待动物法

Join a Twitter Storm
Feline Guardians organises regular Twitter demonstrations to protest against the abuse in China. Everyone tweets at Chinese officials with the hashtag #StopCatTortureChina, during an agreed upon time and date.
Warning: This page has no disturbing images, but other pages on do.

Hashtags to use
Making a personal tweet, artwork, video or something else you want to post online? Here are English hashtags currently used to talk about the cat abusers.
- #StopCatTortureChina
- #StopChinaCatTorture
- #CatAbusersChina
- #SaveCatsInChina
- #StopCatTortureInChina
- #JusticeForCowCat
- #JusticeForMonica
- #FelineGuardiansWithoutBorders